Please use dedicated forms to contact David Feng for media engagements (coming soon) or for Trains-related matters. Otherwise, for all other business, please use this form.
中国大陆地区人士 Mainland China Persons
为免境内外讯息传送出现问题,请身处中国大陆的人士前往微信公众号「冯琰 DF」,关注后直接输入文字进行联系。未经许可,请勿发送语音、图像、视频等内容,否则将会在后台进行删除。请留意所发送的讯息内容应符合中华人民共和国大陆地区法律规范。如出现骚扰讯息,可遭限制通讯措施。微信的服务器位于中华人民共和国境内。
Due to Mainland China’s significantly different network setup, it will be easier for people physically present there to follow 冯琰 DF on WeChat Official Accounts. Once you follow this account, just type your request into the chat window. Please do NOT send images, audio, or video without approval, or they will be removed. Please follow Mainland Chinese laws. You may be blocked if you abuse the service to engage in harassment. The WeChat servers are located inside Mainland China.
Privacy information 隱私資訊
We need to know your name, sex, citizenship, and company/school, so we can identify you properly (in case there are other people with, for example, your same name).
We need to know your location so that we can deal with your message in a location-relevant way.
Your information will be sent to servers in Switzerland.
David Feng, and authorised persons working with him, will be in receipt of your message.
Please complete the form below.
Once you have finished sending your message and are informed it has been sent successfully, you may return to the home page.
Potential delays: David Feng is still reeling from the consequences of two years of Long Covid. He will not be offended if you send him your message again after 48 hours without a response. Thank you.
延誤回復預告:馮琰前兩年患有非常嚴重的 Covid (冠狀病毒) 後遺症。閣下可以於未得到訊息後 48 小時再次向其發送訊息,他就此並不介意。