It’s Easier Now to Email Me

I’ve just put the finishing touches on a brand-new form (which gets sent by email) which you can use to email me. It’s on my new HTTPS secure server,

However, with this recent “Snowden / leak / mess” thing, I can no longer say a creepy government will never find out about our emails. Still, security is pretty decent at the new site. Let’s put it this way: If you trust folks with your credit card number, the degree of security at is much the same. Update: HTTPS / SSL remains “on/off” for the moment… not a good idea to send over credit card numbers… but hey, this was never an e-commerce site, right?…

If a determined “bad guy” is — like I said — determined to find out that we’ve been emailing about, say, the Beijing Subway, well, there’s nothing I can do about that. But most of our conversations, I’m sure, will be less “sensitive”. ;-) Me donning on the new HTTPS service is just another way for David Feng to say: I value our conversation, and I like it as private and as safe for you as I can.

I also have a totally new email address, but because this is the creepy-crawly Internet, where spam crazies are all over the place, it’d be a little “e-suicidal” revealing it here. Not to worry, though: as long as you use the new Web email form to contact me, it will go straight to my new mailbox.

These were some tough late-night tweaks at 02:30 (AM!), but heck, when you come to test drive the whole new thing, you’ll feel it was worth it. :-)

One thought on “It’s Easier Now to Email Me”

  1. Test email. Good on you David. I’m really glad Lonnie effectively introduced us. Thoroughly enjoy your work; thanks for letting me lurk. Looking forward to eventually meeting in person. Tschüss! Take care, Paul

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